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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / picture2 / 1293c14.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-24  |  50KB  |  155x514  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: crt screen | earth | reckoner | sidewalk | sky | windowpane
OCR: Nightmare betore Christmas? CONSUNER COMEORT FFOLT 1992 1993 PERSONAI FINANCES NATIONAL BUYING CLIMATE Consumer confidence suffered slightly last mouth a the weekly MONEY/ABC News Consumer Index fell one point, October full 38% of people Kes they plan puads less On Christmas gifts this year than year ago That's tad cheerier though, than the 41% response last year before PERSONAL NATIGNAI ECONOMY BUYTNG Consume slightl snenr